Our Vision
Everyone deserves to hear and live better.
It still amazes me, every day, how we can live in a society of government-sponsored health care, WebMD, and 7-dollar health smoothies, yet have so little understanding of the one sense that allows us to maintain our relationships with others...our hearing.
By the age of 10, most of us will already be able to tell you our blood type, vision score, and any allergies we may have. Most of us, however, will go through fifty to sixty years of our lives before having our first hearing test.
Why is this the case with hearing?
We believe that hearing is essential to maintaining connections with those we love. This is why we started the Gift of Hearing Foundation.
Our goal at Gift of Hearing is to change this situation of neglect when it comes to hearing health. Our vision is for all Canadians to understand their hearing health and its impact on mental health and overall wellness.
Please join us in our mission to build awareness and education around hearing health, so we can all hear and live better and help to change the lives of those around us.
Jon Cheung
Executive Director,
Hearing Health Advocate
The Bow River Hearing team volunteering for the Gift of Hearing to spread hearing health education and awareness, at the Calgary Home Show.